Hey guys, this is a good way for you to know yourself and for you friends to know you! Post your answers on your blog, and don’t forget to tag your friends!
1. When is your birthday?
July... <------ (nampak ? belum jadi artis lagi dah ngada2)
2. What do other people called you (your nicknames)?
sofy & sopi
3. Your favourite food?
Malaysian traditional foods
4. Favourite colour(s)?
Green better
5. Favourite time of the day?
1/3night.till dawn the intrinsic of peacefull
6. Favourite movie(s)?
Sorry to say too many..
7. Favourite TV show(s)?
House, grey anatomy much more
8. Favourite book(s)?
Seriously ? all book from kindergarden till now
9. Favourite famous people?
Aisha Ardini not famous but simple with pure heart
10. Favourite blog(s)
I'm just back to my blog, juz start blogwalking
11. Who is your motivation?
Ala bizikrillahi tadmainnal qulub... :)
12. Who is the person you love the most in this world?
Ofcoz my family
13. Rank the importance of career, love and family in your opinion.
Family > love > career (ofcouse lah )
14. What is your favourite childhood memory?
Things that happen while i was at kindergarden
15. If given a choice, would you turn back time and why?
No thank you ..
16. Do you have a habit that people don’t know of?
Dont think so..
17. Name a super power you'd want to get.
A jumper so i jump anywhere..
18. If you could get three wishes what would it be? Why?
In my life since i was born, wishes always turn back on me..
19. If you could change your name, would you leave it or change it?
Alhamdulilah no need
20. What is your favourite song, and do you think of someone when you listen to it?
Dengan kuasaMu - Nur one
21. And lastly, use a song to describe the person who tagged you in this game.
write your name on the snow